e-Journals Collection
An e-journal (electronic journal) is a periodical publication which is published in electronic format, usually on the Internet. In general, journals are forums for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views publish following a peer-review process. The University has carefully selected and included in its e-journal inventory a collection of representative works that feature original scholarly research, new developments in the field, and relevant material reviews. Subjects covered include, but are not limited, to application profiles, best practices, controlled/discipline-specific vocabularies.

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Business Management
Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility
This journal provides a platform for research articles on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development/Management issues specific to the Asian region. In particular, the Journal values research that helps the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding sustainability and social responsibility of organizations in the Asian region that have recently paid more attention to these topics than previously (site notes).
This publication is not tied to any subfield in the discipline, type of analysis, or national context; instead, it publishes high-quality articles covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex business character problems. Areas of particular interest are articles devoted to developing novel perspectives or exploring new research domains (site notes).
The Journal seeks to promote interactions among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners and foster research ideas on financial innovation regarding new financial instruments and new financial technologies, markets, and institutions. Furthermore, this journal emphasizes emerging financial products, processes, and services enabled by introducing interruptive technologies. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in broad financial innovation ranges (site notes).
Frontiers of Business Research in China
The journal offers a multidisciplinary forum for academics, practitioners, and policymakers that focuses on business administration and encourages interdisciplinary studies and interactions between Chinese and international researchers. FBR publishes original academic and practical research articles that extend, test, or build management theories, as well as contributions to business administration practice, either in the Greater China region or beyond (site notes).
This journal publishes theoretical and empirical research papers covering the significant aspects of management, accounting, economics, management information systems, and finance. The journal emphasizes theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research. The journal aims to improve communications between the academic and other research communities, policymakers, and operational decision-makers. The journal fills a unique niche among business publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between the practical and the academic fields, recognizing the intricate relationships between many business activities. FBUJ is represented by a diverse and international Editorial Board comprising of individuals from reputable institutions.
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
provides a platform for research articles on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development/Management issues specific to the Asian region. AJSSR values research that helps the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding sustainability and social responsibility of organizations in the Asian region that have recently paid more attention to these topics than previously (site notes)
International Journal of Quality Innovation
The Journal explores the changing role of quality innovation, which performs various functions by creating new customer value to effect “smart” organizations and societies. As more and more organizations adopt service-based initiatives using tacit knowledge-enabled merging platforms and consumers’ perceptions of product quality overlay with service quality perceptions in an increasingly competitive, networked, and complex global marketplace, quality innovation continues to emerge as a positively charged element of competitive advantage.
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
It explores why some regions grow and others stagnate; considers the dynamics of entrepreneurship in a global context, emerge markets, and evaluate the effects and implications of innovation and entrepreneurship in a transdisciplinary context that takes historical evolution and geographical location into account (site notes).
Journal of Organization Design
-advances understanding of topics important to academic researchers and industry professionals alike. The journal publishes novel research and commentary on known or emerging organization design concepts and phenomena; examines new technologies for the design and management of organizations; derives practical implications from existing studies and analyzes new and unusual forms of organizing (site notes).
A multi-disciplinary publication that focuses both on business & management, as well as transportation-related fields. JST aims to promote practices in shipping and to improve the management of global trade activities. Towards achieving these objectives, JST provides a vehicle to facilitate professionals, academics, researchers, and policymakers in the field to disseminate information and to learn from one another’s work (site notes).
– this publication aims to promote the interchange and dissemination of scientific data among researchers in the field of agricultural and biological chemistry. The journal covers biochemistry and molecular biology, medical and biomaterial science, food science, and environmental science as applied to multidisciplinary agriculture (site notes).
Applied Petrochemical Research
– a publication of original applied research on all aspects of the petrochemical industry focusing on new and smart technologies that allow the production of value-added end products in a cost-effective way (site notes).
Bioresources and Bioprocessing
It aims to provide an international academic platform for exchanging views and promoting research to support bioresource development, processing, and utilization sustainably. As an application-oriented research journal, BIOB covers the application and management of bioresource technology and the design and development of bioprocesses to lead to new and sustainable production processes (site notes).
This journal publishes original research and review papers on all aspects of chemoreception in both humans and animals. An essential part of the journal’s coverage is devoted to techniques and the development and application of new methods for investigating chemoreception and chemosensory structures.
Journal of Analytical Science and Technology
– publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of analytical principles, techniques, methods, procedures, and equipment. JAST’s vision is to be an internationally influential and widely read analytical science journal. Its mission is to inform and stimulate researchers to make significant professional achievements in science (site notes).
This publication is dedicated to the publication and worldwide dissemination of peer-reviewed research articles, communications, and review papers in all chemistry areas. Emphasis will be given to publications that bridge traditional disciplines within chemistry or provide insights of interest to the broader chemical community. This journal delivers research and other publications in open access form. Full experimental and computational details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced (site notes).
Computer Science
Content encompasses all established and emerging fields that have been or can be shown to benefit from quantitative network-based modeling. Specifically, the journal’s focus is based on novel or anticipated applications of network sciences, on related techniques that may be used in applications of complex network methodologies, and on innovative modeling approaches that will enhance specific applications and lead to the more widespread use of network science concepts.
The journal provides a unique outlet for researchers and practitioners to disseminate original research outcomes on brain science, adopting computational and informatics technologies, especially artificial intelligence. The journal aims at addressing human brain-related issues from the computational, cognitive, physiological, biological, physical, ecological, and social perspectives (site notes).
The journal publishes original high-quality research papers and significant review articles on novel ideas, methods, and systems relevant to visual media (site notes).
It systematically covers all essential cybersecurity aspects, focusing on reporting on cyberspace security issues, the latest research results, and real-world deployment of security technologies (site notes).
Focusing on the theoretical background and advanced engineering methodologies, this publication aims to extend a prime forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in this rapidly growing area. It provides in-depth attention to the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and data engineering.
This journal aims to provide an excellent unique platform for researchers and practitioners of energy informatics in various scientific, technological, engineering, and social fields to disseminate original research on the application of digital technology and information management theory and practice to facilitate the global transition towards sustainable and resilient energy systems (site notes).
This publication covers a broad range of research areas and applications. It particularly encourages contributions from techno-socio-economic systems, where it comprises those research lines that now regard the digital “tracks” of human beings as first-order objects for scientific investigation. Topics include, but are not limited to, human behavior, social interaction (including animal societies), economic and financial systems, management and business networks, socio-technical infrastructure, health and environmental systems, the science of science, as well as general risk and crisis scenario forecasting up to and including policy advice (site notes).
The publication is premised on the belief that computer science-based approaches, while necessary, are not sufficient to tackle cybersecurity challenges. Instead, scholarly contributions from a range of disciplines are needed to understand the varied aspects of cybersecurity. The journal provides a hub around which the interdisciplinary cybersecurity community can form. The journal is committed to providing quality empirical research, as well as scholarship, that is grounded in real-world implications and solutions (site notes).
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
The journal publishes high-quality papers covering the various theories and practical applications related to human-centric computing and information sciences. The published papers present significant value to solve the various problems with application services and other problems within the scope of HCIS (site notes).
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
This journal facilitates the dissemination of critical scholarly works and exchange of information from a variety of cultural perspectives for researchers, professionals, and practitioners in the technology-enhanced and digital learning fields in higher education; contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding the human and personal slant to the use of technology in higher education; and apprise readers about the latest developments in the application of digital technologies in higher education learning, training, research and management (site notes).
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
The journal is devoted to publishing high-quality research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of importance and applied computer vision and its applications. In addition to traditional core subject matter areas in computer vision, the journal also encompasses a broad spectrum of pattern detection research, including, but not limited to, early vision, data structures and representations, machine learning, and matching and recognition (site notes).
The journal publishes high-quality, scholarly research papers, methodologies, and case studies covering a broad range of topics, from big data analytics to data-intensive computing and all applications of significant data research. The journal examines a level of challenges facing big data today and, in the future, including, but not limited to data capture and storage; search, sharing, and analytics; big data technologies; data visualization; architectures for massively parallel processing; data mining tools and techniques; machine learning algorithms for big data; cloud computing platforms; distributed file systems and databases; and scalable storage systems (site notes).
– publish research articles on all characteristics of Cloud Computing. Principally, articles address core to Cloud Computing topics, focusing on the Cloud applications, the Cloud systems, and the advances that lead to the Clouds of the future. Comprehensive analysis and survey articles that offer up new insights and lay the foundations for further exploratory and experimental work are also relevant (site notes)
Computers (ISSN 2073-431X) is an international scientific peer-reviewed open access journal of computer science, including computer and network architecture and computer-human interaction as its main foci, published monthly online by MDPI (Site notes).
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
-focuses on networking, communication, content distribution, security, scalability, and management on the Internet. Coverage focuses on recent advances in the state-of-the-art of Internet-related science and technology (site notes).
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
This publication includes theoretical, practical, and experimental papers reporting original research contributions and high-quality survey papers. Coverage extends to all computer science topics, computer systems development, and formal and theoretical aspects of computing, including computer architecture; high-performance computing; database management and information retrieval; computational biology; computer graphics; data visualization; image and video processing; VLSI design and software-hardware codesign; embedded systems; geoinformatics; artificial intelligence; games, entertainment, and virtual reality; natural language processing and much more (site notes).
Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art
-aims to serve as a publication and communication platform for researchers in computer image, graphics, and visualization. The scope of the journal mainly consists of three fields. These being Industrial, Biomedical, and Art and design fields (site notes).
Criminal Justice
– presents the latest and best available scientific evidence to promote evidence-based clinical decision-making, education, and research. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed based on strict and objective criteria concerning their novelty, methodology, and compatibility with evidence-based principles. All types of manuscripts in the field of endodontics or endodontic-related multidisciplinary studies are considered for publication (site notes).
International Journal of Implant Dentistry
The journal is dedicated to promoting the exchange and discussion of all research areas relevant to implant dentistry in the form of systematic literature or invited reviews, prospective and retrospective clinical studies, clinical case reports, basic laboratory and animal research, and articles on material research and engineering (site notes).
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
– publishes clinical and basic research on the epidemiology, etiology, treatment, and prevention of congenital and acquired anomalies/defects involving the oral and maxillofacial regions. The journal investigates the causative factors of oral and maxillofacial anomalies/defects and the development of surgical methods and materials for morphological reconstruction or functional restoration (site notes).
This publication fosters orthodontic research, including both basic research and development of innovative clinical techniques, with an emphasis on the following areas that include: mechanisms to improve orthodontics; clinical studies and control animal studies; orthodontics and genetics, genomics; temporomandibular joint (TMJ) control clinical trials; efficacy of orthodontic appliances and animal models; systematic reviews and meta-analyses; and mechanisms to speed orthodontic treatment (site notes).
Agricultural and Food Economics
The journal publishes original research and review articles with innovative results and relevant policy and managerial implications, based on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. Topics of interest include sustainable food systems, food and nutrition security, agricultural and food policy, environmental impacts of agricultural and food activities, market analysis, agri-food firm management, and marketing, organization of the agri-food value chains, behavioral economics, food quality and safety issues, food and health economics, trade, sustainable rural development, natural and marine resource economics, and land economics (site notes).
-publishes papers dealing with economic and social policy issues in Europe. The journal consists of editorial, forum, and article sections. The editorial section contains brief comments on current questions of economic policy in Europe or affecting Europe. In the forum section, researchers, politicians, employer associations, and trade union representatives voice their opinions on selecting current economic policy problems affecting Europe. Lastly, the articles section deals with economic policy issues and trends in Europe (site notes).
IZA Journal of Development and Migration
Publishes academic articles in the closely related fields of development and migration economics. In particular, the IZA Journal of Development and Migration covers (i) all aspects of economic development related to issues of human behavior and/or the labor market of developing, emerging or transition countries, including both policy issues and more structural problems, and (ii) all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in this context (site notes).
IZA Journal of Labor Economics
Publishes scientific articles in all areas of labor economics. This refers to original high-quality theoretical and applied contributions on both microeconomic and macroeconomic labor-related topics. Subject areas range from education, family, and environment to mobility, behavioral and personnel economics, and labor market institutions, among others (Site notes).
Journal of Econometric modeling and forecasting
Econometrics (ISSN 2225-1146) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting and new econometrics theory advances (site notes).
Journal for Labor Market Research
-is a journal in the interdisciplinary field of labor market research. The Journal published papers dealing with country-specific labor market aspects are suitable if they adopt an innovative approach and address a topic of interest to a broader international audience (site notes).
Journal of Economic Structures
-is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes theoretical and empirical articles that apply to a wide range of formal analytical instruments and statistical techniques to explore the structural interdependencies among various activities immanent in the economy (site notes).
The Spanish Economic Review (SER) and Investigaciones Económicas (IE) publishes scientific articles in all areas of economics. SERIEs seeks to maintain the reputation gained by its predecessors as the most prominent economics journals in Spain and to become an influential, internationally recognized journal. The journal is receptive to high-quality papers on any topic and from any source (site notes).
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
This peer-reviewed journal publishes theoretical and empirical contributions to any field of economics and reaches an international audience (site notes).
The Review of Economics and Statistics
This publication that is more than a 100-year-old fits into the general journal of applied (primarily quantitative), economics. Edited at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Review has published some of the essential articles in empirical economics. From time to time, the Review publishes collections of papers or symposia devoted to a single topic of methodological or empirical interest (site notes).
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
This is an interdisciplinary journal of second and foreign language education studies, a peer-reviewed journal of international scope. The journal provides a forum for high-quality linguistic and experimental research on topics investigating applied linguistic theories, second and foreign language learning, and teaching. It offers new insights into applied linguistics and a wide variety of second and foreign language education phenomena. The disciplines covered include applied linguistics, second language acquisition, foreign language learning, educational linguistics, teaching, etc. (site notes).
This publication capitalizes on scholars’ theoretical and empirical contributions from diverse fields and disciplines that address educational diversity issues and equity in and out of school settings. To that end, the Journal encourages submissions that foster critical communication spanning a broad range of disciplines including, but not limited to, anthropology, cultural studies, disability studies, ethnic studies, gender and sexuality studies, information studies, linguistics, psychology, sociology, and women’s studies. The publication promotes collaboration across disciplines and frameworks to highlight language and literacy in education’s socio-cultural and political contexts. The interplay among cognitive, social, and developmental processes in human knowledge and experience, and policy’s role within schools broader the sociopolitical context.
Current Issues in Comperative Education
CICE has positioned itself as a leading, journal in the field of Comparative and International Education. The Field of comparative and international education or in other related disciplines, including, anthropology, history, sociology, economics, philosophy, and political science. The journal publishs articles from teachers, administrators, professors, graduate students, policy-makers, and education specialists from governmental and non-governmental organizations
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research
The journal publishes original empirical, conceptual, and policy studies reflecting the latest development in science education from disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. DISER bridges the divide and facilitates dialogue between formal and informal, disciplinary, interdisciplinary, K-12 and post-secondary, and English-speaking and non-English speaking country science education. Disciplinary science education researchers and practitioners seeking interdisciplinary insights will find this journal particularly beneficial (site notes).
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
This journal’s primary focus is to provide a platform for original empirical investigations in professional, vocational, and technical education, comparing the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of different vocational education systems at the school, systematic level, and company. The journal’s efforts fill a gap in the existing literature focusing on empirically oriented academic research and stimulating the interest in strengthening the vocational part of the educational system, both at the primary and higher education level (site notes).
– publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research featuring specialty areas including Leadership in Education, Special Educational Needs, and Assessment, Testing and Applied Measurement (site notes).
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy
This journal disseminates research and analysis regarding significant childcare and education policy issues relating to young children and their families to a broad international readership, including policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. The journal solicits, reviews, and publishes articles concerning policy reforms, empirical research on early childhood education and care (ECEC), policy analyses and comparisons, and more (site notes).
International Journal of STEM Education
This publicaationprovides a unique platform for sharing research regarding, among other topics, the design and implementation of technology-rich learning environments, innovative pedagogies, and curricula in STEM education that promote successful learning in Pre-K-16 levels, including teacher education. We are also interested in studies that address specific challenges in improving students’ achievement, approaches used to motivate and engage students, and lessons learned from curriculum and instruction changes in STEM education (site notes).
Journal of Critical Policy Studies
This journal seeks to develop Marxist, and other Left analysis of education through articles published articles that critique global, national, neo-liberal, neo-conservative, New Labour, Third Way, postmodernist, and other analyses of policy developments, as well as those that attempt to report on, analyze and develop Socialist/ Marxist transformative policy for schooling and education from several Radical Left perspectives. Additionally, the journal addresses social class issues, ‘race,’ gender, sexual orientation, disability, capital/ism; critical pedagogies, new public managerialism and academic/ non-academic labor, and empowerment/ disempowerment (site notes).
Articles published by JRP cuts across disciplines and fields by drawing out the living dimensions of research unfolding through history, research communities, professions, and of course, the precious lives of individual researchers. Additionally, the journal seeks to study the evolving patterns of thinking and practice that underlie open inquiry in any domain. Further, the journal explores why and how different activities, criteria, methods, and languages become part of research practice in any domain. The scope also includes research training, research design, research utilization, research policy, and innovative forms of research. The journal targets researchers, research-inclined professionals, scholars, research students, and, irrespective of their disciplinary background. Further, the journal seeks to attract reflective articles on the dynamics and challenges of research practice in context and articles presenting experiences and learning from research carried out innovatively (site notes).
LTA aims to acknowledge and showcase scholarly findings in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region in language assessment. A broad definition of Asia is used, including any countries east of the Suez Canal and south of the Caspian and Black Seas, to Japan in the east and Indonesia in the south. More recently, it has been decided to expand further the area of study to Oceania (site notes).
Large-scale Assessments in Education
Articles considered for publication in this journal are those that make use of the databases published by national and international large-scale assessment programs, present results of interest to a broad national or international audience or contribute to enhance and improve the methods and procedures, implementation, or use of large-scale assessments in education and their data (site notes)
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
A multidisciplinary refereed journal is devoted to disseminating rigorous research on all aspects of technology used. The journal seeks to be an active catalyst for multidisciplinary dialogue amongst researchers and practitioners worldwide in learning and cognition, education, and technology, to improve practice and achieve real-world impact in technology-enhanced learning (site notes).
The journal publishes articles related to teaching and learning methods by advancing current learning environments towards smart learning environments. It provides opportunities for discussions and constructive dialogue among various stakeholders on the limitations of existing learning environments, needs for reform, innovative uses of emerging pedagogical approaches and technologies, and sharing and promotion of best practices, leading to the evolution, design, and implementation of smart learning environments (site notes).
The journal delivers leading research that evaluates the policy, economic, and technical challenges and opportunities arising from initiatives to move toward more sustainable and less-carbon intensive power generation mixes. With an international and multidisciplinary in scope, the journal includes articles that address either of two major thematic areas: (1) Energy Economics and Energy Policy and (2) Energy Technologies (site notes).
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology
– focuses on key topics of coal scientific research and mining development, serving as a forum for scientists to present research findings and discuss challenging issues. Coverage includes original research articles, new developments, case studies, and critical reviews in all aspects of scientific and engineering research on coal, coal utilizations, and coal mining. Among the broad topics receiving attention are coal geology, geochemistry, geophysics, mineralogy, and petrology; coal mining theory, technology, and engineering; coal processing, utilization, and conversion; coal mining environment and reclamation and related aspects (site notes).
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems
The journal is devoted to presenting new theories, technologies, and top-level academic achievements in modern power systems protection and control. It strives to accelerate the development of the field by serving as a bridge between Chinese and global researchers in the field (site notes)
Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar
– provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of knowledge of the various ideas, products, technologies, discussions of policy and regulatory issues that affect renewable energy technologies and their implementation (site notes).
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences
The topics included in the journal cover the vast domain of the advanced modeling and simulation of materials, processes, and structures governed by mechanics laws. The emphasis is on advanced and innovative modeling approaches and numerical strategies. The main objective is to describe the actual physics of large mechanical systems with complicated geometries as accurately as possible using complex, highly nonlinear, coupled with Multiphysics and multiscale models. Then, they carry out simulations with these complex models as rapidly as possible. In other words, this research revolves around efficient numerical modeling along with model verification and validation (site notes).
The journals aim to report on the scientific and technological advances in aerodynamics from academic research, industrial development, and engineering applications and provide a platform for ideas exchange and discussion in this fast-changing field. The journal includes articles on novel studies on aerodynamic science and engineering. It should be noted that the topics include but are not limited to theoretical and computational aerodynamics, experimental aerodynamics, wind engineering, and industrial aerodynamics related to cross-disciplinary aerodynamics (site notes).
Advances in Bridge Engineering
The publication aims to form an international platform for academic and technical communication on bridge engineering’s timely progress. It is also a significant place to share the latest bridge engineering achievements between China and the world (site notes).
This journal publishes innovative applications of artificial intelligence, focusing on an in-depth description of how basic research enabled the application, how applied research triggers new questions for basic research, and how the integration of various AI methods can be achieved. This includes articles discussing the interaction of data-driven vs. model-driven AI, system-oriented and integrated research, and the responsibility, ethics, explainability, and transparency of AI. Topics of interest have included: Machine perception and multi-media sensing; autonomous vehicles; intelligent and cooperative interacting robots; speech recognition and language use; cyber-physical systems, hybrid teams and Industry 4.0; knowledge representation; medical diagnosis and rehabilitation robots; process improvement and AI strategies for digital businesses; AI in legal and Fintech industries; internet of things; and regulation and ethics.
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering
This journal publishes articles within the scope of (1) Mechanism and robotics and includes innovative mechanism design, mechanical transmission; robot structure design and control; robotics applications (e.g., Industrial Robot, Medical Robot, Service Robot…), and tri-co robotics; (2) Intelligent manufacturing technology, including but not limited to innovative industrial design; intelligent machining process; artificial intelligence; micro-and nano-manufacturing; material increasing manufacturing; intelligent monitoring technology; and machine fault diagnostics and prognostics. (3) Advanced transportation equipment includes new energy vehicle technology, unmanned vehicles, advanced rail transportation, and intelligent transport systems. (4) Ocean engineering equipment, including but not limited to equipment for deep-sea exploration and autonomous underwater vehicles. (5) Smart material includes unique metal functional materials, advanced composite materials, and material forming technology (site notes).
The publication aims to provide a forum for presenting and discussing novel approaches, tools, and techniques meant for attaining a cross-fertilization between the broad fields of complex systems, computational simulation, and intelligent analytics and visualization. The transdisciplinary research that the journal focuses on expanding boundaries within the discipline by investigating the principles and processes that underlie many of the most profound problems facing society today. Key topics include (1) Complexity, (2) Intelligent Data Analytics, and (3) Computational Simulation (site notes).
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
This publication highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing in new and emerging technologies. The journal is directed as much at the practicing engineer as at the academic researcher. Authors of articles with novel contributions to signal processing theory and signal processing are welcome to submit their articles for consideration (site notes).
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
This is an interdisciplinary journal for disseminating all primary and applied aspects of speech communication and audio processes and s to bring together researchers, scientists, and engineers to work on the theory and applications of the processing of various audio signals, with a specific focus on speech and music. Articles in the journal deal with both theoretical and practical aspects of audio, speech, and music processing (site notes).
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
The publication is intended for researchers from both academia and industry who are active in the multidisciplinary field of image and video processing. The journal’s scope covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the domain, from basic research to the application’s development. Articles on image and video processing may be focused on specific techniques (e.g., wavelets, mathematical morphology, Markov models), diverse functionalities and services (e.g., classification, compression, identification, protection, recognition, restoration, and segmentation) within the context of various activity sectors (e.g., multimedia, medical, aerial, robotics, security, communications, arts) employing diverse data formats (e.g., black and white, grayscale, color, multispectral, infrared, video, stereo, 3-D) (site notes).
EURASIP Journal on Information Security
The journal addresses all works whereby security is achieved by combining cryptography techniques, computer security, machine learning, and multimedia signal processing. For example, application domains lie in secure storage, retrieval, and tracking of multimedia data, secure outsourcing of computations, forgery detection of multimedia data, or safe use of biometrics. The journal also publishes articles that give the reader a gentle introduction to one of the topics covered and papers that report large-scale experimental evaluations of existing techniques (site notes).
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
This publication is directed at both practicing engineers and academic researchers. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking will highlight the continued growth and new wireless technology challenges for application development and basic research. The journal publishes original results relating to the theory and/or applications of wireless communications and networking. It also publishes review articles, especially those emphasizing multidisciplinary views of communications and networking (site notes).
European Transport Research Review
The journal publishes original high-quality scholarly research and transportation science, technologies, policy, and practice developments. Established in 2008 by the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the Journal provides researchers and practitioners worldwide with an authoritative forum for disseminating and critical discussion of new ideas and methodologies that originate in or are of particular interest to the European transport research community. The journal is unique in its field, as it covers all modes of transport and addresses both the engineering and the social science perspective, offering a truly multidisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, engineers, and policymakers (site notes).
This is a publication of theoretical and experimental research related to friction, lubrication, and wear. The journal publishes original, high quality research papers and review articles on all aspects of tribology, including, but are not limited to, a variety of topics, such as: Friction (includes Origin of friction, Friction theories, New phenomena of friction, Nano-friction, Ultra-low friction, Molecular friction, Ultra-high friction, Friction at high speed, Friction at high temperature or low temperature, Friction at solid/liquid interfaces, Bio-friction, Adhesion, etc.); Lubrication (Superlubricity, Green lubricants, Nano-lubrication, Boundary lubrication, Thin film lubrication, Elastohydrodynamic lubrication, Mixed lubrication, New lubricants, New additives, Gas lubrication, Solid lubrication, etc.); and, Wear (Wear materials, Wear mechanism, Wear models, Wear in severe conditions, Wear measurement, Wear monitoring, etc.), Surface Engineering (Surface texturing, Molecular films, Surface coatings, Surface modification, Bionic surfaces, etc.), and Basic Sciences (Tribology system, Principles of tribology, Thermodynamics of tribo-systems, Micro-fluidics, Thermal stability of tribo-systems, etc.) (site notes).
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
Provides a forum targeted for engineers and scientists worldwide to present and discuss various topics related to concrete, concrete structures, and other applied materials incorporating cement cementitious binder and polymer or fiber in conjunction with concrete. These forums allow contributors to publish their knowledge for the advancement of society. Topics include, but are not limited to, research results on properties and performance of concrete and concrete structures: Advanced and improved experimental techniques; latest modeling methods; possible improvement and enhancement of concrete properties; structural and microstructural characterization; concrete applications; fiber reinforced concrete technology, and concrete waste management (site notes).
International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
A peer-reviewed, international, and interdisciplinary journal provides a forum for cross-disciplinary research contributions covering a broad spectrum of issues of the mechanical and machining properties of materials and materials science and how they apply to materials used in equipment and structures. Essential topics include nanomaterial, material synthesis, characterization, micro-macro transition principles; elastic behavior; plastic behavior; high-temperature creep, fatigue, fracture, and metals ceramics, intermetallic, and their composites. Other areas of interest are tribology, joining, mechanical behavior, environmental effects, machining, non-conventional machining, materials processing, constitutive relations, and microstructure property relationships. The journal also deals with problems of kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies, the theory of machines and mechanisms, vibration and balancing of machine parts, the stability of mechanical systems, mechanics of continuum, the strength of materials, fatigue of materials, hydromechanics, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, thermo fluids, nanofluids, energy systems, renewable and alternative energy, engine, fuels, and experimental methods in dynamic (site notes).
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
An international peer-reviewed journal seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty in electrical engineering and information technology. The journal publishes high-quality, double-blinded peer-reviewed articles within the scope. Important topics of interest include computer science, communication, power electronics, artificial intelligence, informatics, and renewable energy. JESIT aims to attain state-of-the-art research in theory and application while simultaneously providing a global platform for scientists and academics to explore developments in the latest trends (site notes).
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
An international journal publishes original research articles, short communications, and reviews in different genetic engineering and biotechnology fields. The journal publishes articles in plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, microbial biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, medical biotechnology, genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics (site notes).
Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience
The publication provides a cross-disciplinary forum for researchers to disseminate innovative research and engineering practices that preserve the integrity, performance, and resilience of existing infrastructure systems amid diverse climatic conditions, human-made and natural hazards, and other risks. Planning, design, construction, operations, inspection, monitoring, evaluation, retrofitting, and reinforcing the infrastructure system (roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, ports, pipelines, etc.) are in scope. The journal aims to facilitate the dialog and collaboration between the infrastructure engineering community and the resilience and risk management community (site notes).
Micro and Nano Systems Letters
This publication offers short research articles containing the latest advances in micro and nano-scale devices and systems. Published articles report new and significant findings representing advances and practical micro and nanosystems engineering. It also offers a rapid route for the international dissemination of high-quality research findings from micro and nano communities. (site notes).
This publication covers all aspects of fundamental and cutting-edge photonic technology. Topics within the journal’s scope include but are not limited to: Light manipulation and applications, beam propagation and steering techniques; Optical communication, storage, information processing, and computing; Photonics for big data and artificial intelligence; Astrophotonics and area-space optics; Optical sensing technologies; Terahertz and X-ray optics; Green technologies; Small-scale optics; Nonlinear optics; Optoelectronics; and Meta optics, Bionics (site notes).
The journal publishes original research articles and comprehensive reviews related to fundamental engineering science and emerging technologies in rail transit systems, focusing on the cutting-edge research in high-speed railway, heavy-haul railway, urban rail transit, maglev system, hyperloop transportation, etc. The journal’s primary goal is to maintain the high quality of publications, serving as a medium for railway academia and industry to exchange new ideas and share the latest scientific research achievements, technical innovation, and industrial development in railway science and engineering. The topics include but are not limited to: Design theory and construction technology; System dynamics and safety; Electrification, signaling and communication; Operation and maintenance; System health monitoring and reliability; Environmental impact and sustainability; Cutting-edge technologies (site notes).
This publication gives focus to advanced technologies and practical applications in the field of Robotics and Mechatronics. Mechatronics is the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering and computer science with electronic and intelligent computer control in designing and manufacturing products and processes. As systems become larger and more complicated, insight is required to uncover Robotics and Mechatronics’ critical role by system analysis and integration (site notes).
This journal aims to report innovative ideas, new results, or progress on satellite navigation’s theoretical techniques and applications. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, and commentaries. The topics published include but are not limited to Navigation System and Signals; Satellite navigation constellation; Autonomous satellite navigation theory and system; Precise orbit determination and time synchronization; Signal processing; Receiver and signal processing; Anti-jamming and anti-spoofing; Integrated PNT; Multi-sensor integrated navigation; GNSS Augmentation technology; Micro PNT technology; Resilient PNT theory; Time and Coordinate Reference System; Establishment and maintenance of time-space reference system; Time synchronization methods; High precision clock technology; Industrial and Scientific Applications; Intelligent applications; Geodesy applications; Geoscience applications (site notes)
The journal covers the following areas: (1) smart city and smart Water Issues (smart water management and governance; ICT and IoT for water solution; smart water (micro-) grid technologies; smart metering and big-data analysis for smart water; cyber-security for smart water system; interdependency between smart water and other systems (e.g., water and power grid); socio-economic measures for smart water; educational and research transfer tools; two-way communication in smart water; business processes and modeling languages; real-time information for stakeholders and customers; and, water policy in the smart city. (2) next-generation Smart water management (blue-green solution for stormwater control, Reuse and recycling of water (rainwater harvesting, greywater, desalination, decentralized wastewater treatment), water system sustainability, resilience, and robustness, asset management, life cycle analysis, and fieldwork management, system anomaly detection and pinpointing (burst, leakage, etc.), water system energy operation and management based on real-time system monitoring, and renewable energy in smart water system). (3) Artificial Intelligence for Smart Water (Optimization of smart water system design, operation, and management, Cyber-Physical System in smart water, Machine learning for water-related decision-supporting, High-performance and cloud computing for smart water, Water system data-driven and physically-based modeling for smart city hydro informatics) (site notes).
The journal publishes original, significant articles on urban rail transportation operation and management, design and planning, civil engineering, equipment and systems, and other related topics to urban rail transit. The publication also promotes academic discussions and technical exchanges among peers in the field while reporting important news on the development and operational experience of urban rail transit and related government policies, laws, guidelines, and regulations. This publication could be an essential reference for decision-makers and technologists in the urban rail research and construction field (site notes).
Environmental Science
This peer-reviewed journal devotes quality publications in ecological studies focusing on the underlying processes responsible for ecological systems’ dynamics and functions at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The journal publishes manuscripts on techniques, approaches, concepts, models, reviews, syntheses, short communications, and applied research for advancing our knowledge and capability toward the sustainability of ecosystems and the environment. Integrations of ecological and socio-economic processes are strongly encouraged (site notes).
This International journal, focusing primarily on Europe, with a broad scope covering all aspects of environmental sciences, including regulation.
Environmental Systems Research
Interdisciplinary and refereed research papers, review and comment articles, and topical collections on all aspects of environmental systems from water (terrestrial and marine), air, soil, and biota. The journal’s mission is to advance and apply scientific knowledge and practical methods to improve our understanding of environmental and sustainability issues and support evidence-based policymaking and eco-friendly practice at regional or global scales. The journal particularly encourages innovative, original, and cross-disciplinary research on the development and use of new or improved methodologies and technologies for scientific studies and practical work in environmental fields (site notes)
The journal publishes research papers, case studies, and short reports of recent geoenvironmental disasters, review papers, and technical reports of various geoenvironmental disaster-related case studies. The focus on case studies and short reports of recent geoenvironmental disasters helps to advance the practical understanding of geoenvironmental disasters and inform future research priorities; they are a major component of the journal. The journal aims for the rapid publication of research papers at a high scientific level. The journal welcomes proposals for special issues reflecting the trends in geoenvironmental disaster reduction and monothematic issues (site notes)
Pastoralism publishes research that influences public policy to improve these people’s welfare and conserve the environments in which they live. The journal investigates pastoralism from various disciplinary perspectives across the biophysical, social, and economic sciences. This is not applied research in the traditional sense, but relevant research, sometimes even basic research, can ultimately change the way practical people do business. Predicting what kind of research will fulfill this role is virtually impossible. We can keep policymakers, practitioners, and pastoralists talking to scientists and researchers and aware of each other’s concerns (site notes).
City, Territory, and Architecture
The journal shares theoretical and applied scientific knowledge and positions that explore conceptual and physical relations between city, territory, and architecture. The central theme of the journal includes the adaptation to new urban situations: new forms of inhabiting space are arising in the contemporary city; both human settlement and project development and implementation are characterized by a more vital awareness of and care for the entire territory, as well as an awareness of environmental values. One scope of this journal is to propose new tools to tackle these challenges. The journal emphasizes the importance of ethical concern in projects and calls for society’s legitimization of interventions proposed and managed by architects and planners (site notes).
Open Geospatial Data, Software, and Standards
This publication provides an advanced forum for the science and technology of Open Data, Crowdsourced Geographic Information, Sensor Web, and Open Science for Earth Remote Sensing through reviews, regular research articles, and software articles. The journal is interested in publishing articles that address issues related, but not limited to, the analysis and processing of open geo-data, standardization, interoperability of open geo-data and services, and applications based on open geo-data. The journal is also meant to be a space for theories, methods, and applications related to crowdsourcing volunteered geographic information, Sensor Web, and related topics. An aspect of note is that the journal aims to publish articles that reflect open science tools and methods applied to remote sensing (site notes).
European Journal of Futures Research
This journal gives focus to research topics that include, but not limited to demographic change; migration; gender and social relations; welfare society; inclusion and exclusion; political participation and citizenship; European identity building; EU research, innovation, and (higher) education policies; futures of work and labor, production and consumption; competitiveness and technological innovations; growth and sustainable development; social environment and entrepreneurship; futures of leisure, sports, and tourism; technology foresight and technology assessment; technoscience; revolutionary technologies; logistics, transport, and mobility; media and telecommunication; human enhancement; young generations and new technologies; European citizens and the broadband society. Also, X-cutting Issues are published in areas that include gender-specific and diversity perspectives, sustainability, environmental challenges, and the greening of Europe, climate change policies. Additionally, aspects of science philosophy are included in articles that address epistemological and ontological questions; theory of futures studies; “new” forms of knowledge; post-positivist research approaches, ethical questions. Overall, the clear empirical focus of this publication is its aim to promote discussions about European traditions and perspectives in futures research (site notes)
Earth Science
– explores water scarcity solutions from a holistic system-oriented viewpoint. The sustainable management of natural water resources to developing the technologies and infrastructure to clean fresh water from natural and wastewater (site notes).
Covers scientific articles in Earth and Planetary Sciences, particularly geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetary science (site notes).
– focuses on cutting-edge fundamental and applied research in the broad field of geosciences, including the applications of geoscience research to societal problems (site notes).
Geothermal Energy – Science, Society and Technology
focuses on fundamental and applied research needed to deploy technologies to develop and integrate geothermal energy as one key element in the future energy portfolio. Contributions include geological, geophysical, and geochemical studies, exploration of geothermal fields, reservoir characterization and modeling, development of productivity-enhancing methods, and approaches to achieve robust and economical plant operation.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
The journal addresses theoretical and methodological issues in disaster risk science, policy, and practice. Coverage includes case studies and research comparing responses to major disasters worldwide (site notes).
International Journal of Geo-Engineering
This publication provides a forum to discuss geoengineering knowledge and experience from fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies. It covers a broad area of academic and practical aspects of geoengineering, including shallow and deep foundation, engineering behavior of soils and rocks, earth retaining structures, deep boring and excavation, slope stability, tunneling, and underground structures, environmental geomechanics, engineering geology, ground reinforcement, geo-energy development, underground energy storage, and the latest experimental, analytical, and numerical methods (site notes).
The journal placed on lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology, tectonopalaeogeography and palaeotectonics, paleogeography and palaeoecology, geochemistry and sedimentary environments, stratigraphic palaeogeography, physiogeographic palaeogeography, past and present environments, and human civilization, ichnology, paleoclimatology, palaeoseismology, palaeokarst, basin analysis, prediction and exploration related with oil, gas, coal, and other mineral resources (site notes)
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
It publishes leading-edge studies in petroleum engineering, petroleum geology, and exploration geophysics and the implementation of related technologies to develop and manage oil and gas reservoirs from their discovery through their entire production cycle (site notes).
It is intended for professionals engaged in petroleum science research and technical applications worldwide and the managerial personnel of oil companies. It covers petroleum geology, petroleum geophysics, petroleum engineering, petrochemistry & chemical engineering, petroleum mechanics, and economic management. It aims to introduce the latest oil industry research results in China, promote cooperation in petroleum science research between China and the rest of the world, and build a bridge for scientific communication between China and the world (site notes).
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
The journal is devoted to high-quality original articles, reviews, and papers with full data attached in the research fields of space and planetary sciences, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, human geosciences, solid earth sciences, and biogeosciences. PEPS promotes excellent review articles and welcomes articles with electronic attachments, including videos, animations, and large original data files (site notes).
It publishes original research and review articles, focusing on the Tethys realm’s evolution and the Alpine/Himalayan orogen (site notes).
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
Publishes research contributions of all fields of paleontology, including alpha taxonomy & systematics, palaeobiology, palaeobiodiversity, palaeoenvironment, biostratigraphy, conservation paleontology, palaeontological methodology, etc. including palaeontological studies employing up-to-date methods such as CT- or synchrotron-scanning, geochemical analyses, and complex phylogenetic analyses (site notes).
Agricultural and Food Economics
The journal publishes original research and review articles with innovative results and relevant policy and managerial implications, based on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. Topics of interest include sustainable food systems, food and nutrition security, agricultural and food policy, environmental impacts of agricultural and food activities, market analysis, agri-food firm management, and marketing, organization of the agri-food value chains, behavioral economics, food quality and safety issues, food and health economics, trade, sustainable rural development, natural and marine resource economics, and land economics (site notes).
-publishes papers dealing with economic and social policy issues in Europe. The journal consists of editorial, forum, and article sections. The editorial section contains brief comments on current questions of economic policy in Europe or affecting Europe. In the forum section, researchers, politicians, employer associations, and trade union representatives voice their opinions on selecting current economic policy problems affecting Europe. Lastly, the articles section deals with economic policy issues and trends in Europe (site notes).
IZA Journal of Development and Migration
Publishes academic articles in the closely related fields of development and migration economics. In particular, the IZA Journal of Development and Migration covers (i) all aspects of economic development related to issues of human behavior and/or the labor market of developing, emerging or transition countries, including both policy issues and more structural problems, and (ii) all issues related to the economics of migration and ethnicity in this context (site notes).
IZA Journal of Labor Economics
Publishes scientific articles in all areas of labor economics. This refers to original high-quality theoretical and applied contributions on both microeconomic and macroeconomic labor-related topics. Subject areas range from education, family, and environment to mobility, behavioral and personnel economics, and labor market institutions, among others (Site notes).
Journal of Econometric modeling and forecasting
Econometrics (ISSN 2225-1146) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting and new econometrics theory advances (site notes).
Journal for Labor Market Research
-is a journal in the interdisciplinary field of labor market research. The Journal published papers dealing with country-specific labor market aspects are suitable if they adopt an innovative approach and address a topic of interest to a broader international audience (site notes).
Journal of Economic Structures
-is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes theoretical and empirical articles that apply to a wide range of formal analytical instruments and statistical techniques to explore the structural interdependencies among various activities immanent in the economy (site notes).
The Spanish Economic Review (SER) and Investigaciones Económicas (IE) publishes scientific articles in all areas of economics. SERIEs seeks to maintain the reputation gained by its predecessors as the most prominent economics journals in Spain and to become an influential, internationally recognized journal. The journal is receptive to high-quality papers on any topic and from any source (site notes).
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
This peer-reviewed journal publishes theoretical and empirical contributions to any field of economics and reaches an international audience (site notes).
Journal of International Humanitarian Action
Publishes academic original academic and/or practice-informed articles that are contributions from scholars of international humanitarian law or practitioners of global nonprofit management in topics that include: humanitarian ethics; humanitarian protection; application of international humanitarian law (IHL); humanitarian programming, monitoring, and evaluation; education and training of humanitarian aid workers; the Humanitarian-Development-Security Nexus; governance, organization, and evolution of humanitarian systems; best practices and knowledge-sharing in humanitarian action; politics of humanitarian aid; humanitarian technology; psychosocial elements of humanitarian action (site notes).
This journal has a focus on the advances at the intersection of law and the biosciences. The journal contains original and response articles, essays, and commentaries on various topics, including bioethics, neuroethics, genetics, reproductive technologies, stem cells, enhancement, patent law, and food and drug regulation (site notes).
JLA was founded over a decade ago at Harvard Law School to offer a generalist, peer-reviewed law journal that would provide a viable alternative to student-edited law reviews. Publish research includes traditional legal articles as well as interdisciplinary work submitted by scholars worldwide. JLA has published dozens of critical articles by leading scholars working across many different topics and methodologies (site notes).
The American Journal of Law and Equality
This publication includes articles from various perspectives that examine legal issues involving equality and discrimination in all their forms. Specific areas of publications include articles that address issues involving economic equality, race, gender, disability, religion, political viewpoint, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other categories involving the categorization of human beings. Diverse approaches and points that draw on history, economics, political philosophy are also included in its collection of articles (site notes).
This journal is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems. This highly regarded quarterly offers university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers the latest information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language (site notes).
The Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
This journal provides a platform for scientific research, publication, and academic discourse. This publication is solely designed for the worldwide publication of scientific findings which concern the full range between linguistics on the one hand and language teaching on the other. At the same time, it is a basis of discussion for linguists and practitioners of language teaching (site notes).
This Journal publishes two kinds of papers: articles that report on research interested in data on a little-described language or point of grammar, usually with a topical focus (e.g., relativization in Language X, or new data changing the received view of relativization in Language X). The second category of papers includes reports based on field data or gathered from grammars or texts. This data may be descriptive (e.g., relativization in Language X) or historical (e.g., a newly discovered sound correspondence) (site notes).
This publication, perhaps, leads the field in research on current topics in linguistics. This essential resource explores new theoretical developments based on the latest international scholarship, capturing the excitement of contemporary debate in full-scale articles and shorter contributions (site notes).
This is a refereed journal involved in the publication of scholarly works in the field of applied linguistics. Our aim is to publish outstanding research from faculty, independent researchers, and graduate students in the broad areas of second language acquisition; language socialization; language education; language use; language evolution; discourse analysis; language and the brain; language and psychophysiology; bilingual education; sociolinguistics; corpus linguistics; language minorities; language policy; language assessment; English language teaching; classroom-based research; and, foreign/second language teaching methodology.
This publication is an outlet of publications in the field of theoretical and empirical language studies. The journal aims to bring together scholars interested in language and technology, linguistic theory development, and empirical research of different language functioning aspects. The articles published in the journal focus on theoretical and empirical research, including general linguistics, applied linguistics (translation studies, computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, media linguistics, etc.), and contrastive linguistics (site notes)
Material Science
This publication focuses on adhesives’ practical applications, emphasizing fields such as aerospace, aerospace, and biomedicine. Topics related to adhesion and adhesive materials are welcome, especially in biomedical areas such as adhesive dentistry. Besides, theoretical and experimental works are considered for publication.
This international, peer-reviewed journal covers all the interdisciplinary technological developments in new microscopy methods and instrumentation and their biological or materials science applications to determine structure and chemistry.
This journal publishes original peer-reviewed research covering: areas that include; understanding of the manufacturing processes, provenances, and environmental contexts of material types, objects, and buildings, of cultural significance including their historical significance; development and application of analytical and imaging methods or equipment for non-invasive, non-destructive or portable analysis of artwork and objects of cultural significance to identify component materials, degradation products and deterioration markers; understanding and prediction of Physico-chemical and biological degradation processes of cultural artefacts, including climate change, and predictive heritage studies; development and application of invasive and destructive methods for understanding the provenance of objects of cultural significance; development and critical assessment of treatment materials and methods for artwork and objects of cultural significance; development and application of statistical methods and algorithms for data analysis to further understanding of culturally significant objects; publication of reference and corpus datasets as supplementary information to the statistical and analytical studies above; and, description of novel technologies that can assist in the understanding of cultural heritage.
This s an international journal that presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the processing, structure, and properties of advanced ceramics and ceramic-based composites. Coverage spans a wide range of ceramics-related topics, including Processing (powder preparation and characterization, novel sintering techniques), Structure characterization (including nanoscopic, optical, electrical, and magnetic characterization), Properties (mechanical, electrical, ferroelectric), and Advanced materials (transparent ceramics; lead-free piezoelectric; ferromagnetic and solid oxide fuel cells) (site notes).
Journal of Leather Science and Engineering
The journal focuses on new findings and innovative scientific advances in all aspects of leather science and technology, aiming to provide a platform for both chemists and engineers to address and discuss the theoretical and practical problems encountered in the leather manufacture process. The journal also reports progressive achievements in chemistry, material science, biotechnology, environmental protection, chemical engineering, and other disciplines that promote the leather industry. Reports on interdisciplinary research providing new understanding and innovative technology for leather making are also welcomed (site notes).
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
As an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of research on all aspects of the study of materials to deploy renewable and sustainable energy technologies, the journal, the journal covers experimental and theoretical aspects of materials and prototype devices for sustainable energy conversion, storage, and saving, together with materials needed for renewable fuel production (site notes).
The journal publishes outstanding, original research articles, review articles, letters to the editor, and rapid communications that include all areas of theoretical materials science and related computational methods. The journal covers problems of mechanics, physics, and chemistry of all forms of materials (metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, functional and biological materials), at all scales and concerning the structure, synthesis, and design and performance of materials, including materials under extreme conditions (site notes).
This journal a peer-reviewed, international, and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Published articles are in topical areas, ranging from fundamental sciences of physics and chemistry of nanoscale materials to practical applications of such materials, including devices, energy applications, and fabrication (site notes).
The journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for the communication of scientific and technological advances in creating and using objects at the nanometer scale. The journal spans disciplines, emphasizing research that seeks to uncover the underlying science and behavior of nanostructures and further the goal of unifying nanoscale research in physics, materials science, biology, chemistry, engineering, and their expanding interfaces. Original research papers that appear rapidly following submission are published as Nano Express. Nano Ideas is a new format that focuses on well-founded and conceptually substantiated ideas that need neither detailed theoretical verification nor experimental realization (site notes).
Advances in Difference Equations
The journal reports new developments in the field of difference equations and their applications in all fields. Its publications include research articles emphasizing the qualitative behavior of solutions of ordinary, partial, delay, fractional, abstract, stochastic, fuzzy, and set-valued differential equations (site notes).
Arabian Journal of Mathematics
The Journal publishes carefully refereed research papers in all main-stream branches of pure and applied mathematics. Included also are survey papers that may be submitted for publication by invitation only (site notes).
The publication provides a forum to promote, encourage, and bring together various disciplines that use the theory, methods, and applications of boundary value problems. The journal publishes high-quality research articles on boundary value problems for ordinary, functional, difference, elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations (site notes).
This journal aims to advance and promote the theoretical foundation, mathematical aspects, and social computing applications. The journal publishes articles that have a focus on common principles, algorithms, and tools that govern network structures/topologies, network functionalities, security and privacy, network behaviors, information diffusions and influence, social recommendation systems which apply to all types of social networks and social media (site notes).
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
This journal aims to report new fixed-point results, methods, and algorithms and their applications in which the indispensability of the fixed-point results is highlighted or is the common substrate. It will cover topics that include the applications to differential equations and dynamical systems; computational methods; convex and nonlinear Analysis; fractional calculus and fractional differential equations; fuzzy fixed point theory; metric fixed point theory; nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations; numerical analysis and optimization; optimization and control theory; real-world applications; set-valued and variational analysis; social and Behavioral Sciences; and, topological methods in nonlinear analysis (site notes).
Journal of Inequalities and Applications
This journal aims to provide a multi-disciplinary forum of discussion in mathematics and its applications in which the essentiality of inequalities is highlighted. The Journal publishes high-quality articles containing original research results and surveys articles of exceptional merit. The subject for most articles leans toward inequalities, such as, but not restricted to, inequalities in analysis; inequalities in approximation theory; inequalities in combinatorics, inequalities in economics, inequalities in geometry; and inequalities in mechanics, inequalities in optimization, inequalities in stochastic analysis and applications (site notes).
Journal of Mathematics in Industry
Publishing high-quality, innovative articles serve as an essential resource for academic researchers and practitioners alike. Simultaneously, the journal’s content provides a common platform for scholars interested in precisely those types of mathematics needed in concrete industrial applications, and articles focusing on the interaction of academia and industry are preferred. In terms of theory, the journal seeks articles with demonstrable mathematical developments motivated by modern industry problems. Concerning computational aspects, it publishes works introducing new methods and algorithms that represent significant improvements in the existing state of the art of modern numerical and simulations methods (site notes).
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
The journal publishes refereed, original research articles that describe the latest research and developments in pure and applied mathematics. A broad-based journal covering mathematics and interdisciplinary research aims to bring together original research and provide an active forum in mathematics and applied areas (site notes).
Probability, Uncertainty, and Quantitative Risk
The journal reports on significant developments in modern probability theory, its relation to stochastic analysis and statistics, stochastic processes, dynamics, control, and applications in finance, economics, biology, computer science, and the corresponding data analysis (site notes).
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
Publishes full-length research articles on the mathematical modeling and analysis of all neuroscience areas, i.e., studying the nervous system and its dysfunctions. The focus is on using mathematics to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed neuroscience behaviors at all relevant scales, from the molecular world to cognition (site notes).
Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications: A Journal of the IMA
A generalist applied mathematics journal. The publication provides a platform for high-quality articles that cover a variety of areas of applied mathematics, including but not limited to fluid and solid mechanics; probability and stochastic analysis; applied analysis; dynamical; integrable and complex systems; and mathematics of information. Other topics included in the publication are numerical analysis and scientific computing, and the mathematics of life (the interface between mathematics, biology, and medicine).
Medical/Public Health
This publication includes original quality research covering oncology-related issues, endourology, genitourinary medicine, andrology, uro-pharmacology, uroradiology, prevention, and female and reconstructive urology. The journal bridges the gap between African urologists and other international experts by providing a platform for disseminating quality research (site notes).
Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology
The journal encompasses technical and clinical studies within anesthesiology, intensive and critical care management, trauma, and pain management. Published articles explore the efficacy and comparative studies and include health-related, ethical, and social issues associated with the subject. The journal gives preference to articles with clinical interest and implications (site notes)
The journal aims at publishing high-quality review articles and original research works on intensive care medicine. It is intended for all critical care providers (attending physicians, residents, fellows, nurses, and physiotherapists) to update their knowledge to ensure they provide the best care for their patients (site notes).
The journal aims to fill an important niche that focuses on clinical care, technical innovation, and clinical research. Annals of Pediatric Surgery publishes original research, meeting reports, reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, and ‘how I do it article’ on topics in general pediatric surgery, pediatric urology, pediatric plastic, and reconstructive surgery, and pediatric surgical training and accreditation (site notes)
Beni-Sue University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles of original research, literature reviews, and editorials in its respected fields of basic science, applied science (with a particular focus on applied nanotechnology), biotechnology); medical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, and engineering. The journal’s multidisciplinary aspects encourage global collaboration between researchers in multiple fields and provide cross-disciplinary dissemination of findings (site notes).
British Journal of Sports Medicine
This journal is a multimedia portal for authoritative original research, systematic reviews, consensus statements, and debate in sport and exercise medicine (SEM) (site notes).
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy
This is the Faculty of Physical Therapy’s official publication at Cairo University, publishing articles on a wide range of physical therapy and rehabilitation topics, this includes original research, clinical effectiveness, and emerging technologies in assessment and treatment. The first choice will be given to articles with clinical interest and implications. The journal’s clientele is physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation therapists, kinesiologists, biomechanisms, and respiratory therapists (site notes).
A database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies is conducted worldwide and serves as a resource provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (site notes).
The focus on phytotherapy, looking at proof of concept, efficacy, and safety, is to be established “at eye level” compared to pharmacotherapy. The emphasis lies on application-oriented topics (efficacy and safety of phytotherapy in a specific indication, including its need and acceptance by the patient). The scientific results published in the journal are expected to contribute to the recovery and maintenance of human health by phytotherapy.
This multidisciplinary peer review journal has a keen interest in the field of endovascular interventions, and the field of endovascular treatment is very dynamic. New ideas need rapid communication so that the latest information is available to treat our patients. Further, the publishes a range of article types, including clinical investigations, systematic reviews, case reports, technical reports, and video cases. The journal’s intent consumers of the journal are specialists working in the field of endovascular treatment. CVIR Endovascular articles are in venous and arterial interventions, including vascular malformations, aortic interventions, non-oncological embolization, peripheral vascular interventions, emergency medicine, and carotid interventions (site notes).
Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences
A publication solicits articles in forensic sciences, pathology, and clinical forensic medicine and its related specialties. The journal carries classic reviews, case studies, original research, hypotheses, and learning points, offering critical analysis and scientific appraisal (site notes).
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
This peer-reviewed journal gives focus on reporting innovations within the field of human and medical genetics. The journal includes articles on all aspects of human disease’s genetic basis, with a particular emphasis on biochemical genetics, biological studies of enzymes and other protein deficiencies, and immunogenetics. Articles presenting clinical applications of genomics and next-generation sequencing technologies are considered valuable contributions. Other topics included are investigations of inherited disorders’ pathogenesis and the practical advances in the molecular diagnosis of human disease.
Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery
The journal explores theories and techniques related to the neurosciences and practice of contemporary neurosurgery. The publication’s ultimate target is to provide coverage and exchange of knowledge in the African continent and internationally, exposing the available experience and vast service being delivered to standardize neurosurgery, improve the level of performance, and enhance scientific research in the field. The journal’s broad scope can be extended to those interested in topics from the spine to skull base conditions, rhinology, craniofacial conditions, pediatric oncology, neuroradiology, and traumatology.
Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
An international journal that brings original research, editorials, and review articles on all aspects of diagnostic imaging, including ultrasonography, radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, interventional radiology, and nuclear medicine. The journal aims to communicate to its readers’ state-of-the-art information in the form of high-quality original research articles and timely reviews on current developments in the field. The journal aims to inform efficient, appropriate, and evidence-based imaging practice to the benefit of patients regionally and worldwide.
The journal’s range covers all the latest hepatobiliary surgery issues, clinical pathology, virology, microbiology, epidemiology and histopathology, and pediatric hepatology. The journal also aims to include clinical and basic research in both humans and experimental models in the fields of hepatology (site notes).
Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
This peer-reviewed journal offers a multidisciplinary child health perspective. The journal enjoys high visibility and extensive international readership. The journal publishes articles from local, regional, and international researchers and stock high-quality research papers documenting current and new developments in pediatrics and pediatric surgery in clinical and experimental fields (site notes).
Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
The journal publishes articles on topics around adult and pediatric rheumatological and musculoskeletal conditions. Such as diagnostic modalities, laboratory and imaging and therapy including rehabilitation methodology, focus on restoration of function and quality of life to those with physical impairments. The journal will appeal to professional practitioners who specialize in rheumatology and rehabilitation and those with interest in clinical studies (site notes)
This journal has a multi-disciplinary approach and publishes original materials and studies focusing on applied physics and mathematics and imaging systems engineering and prototyping in nuclear medicine. This includes physics-driven advances or algorithms supported by physics that foster early clinical adoption of nuclear medicine imaging and therapy.
EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry
The journal reports original research articles, review papers, guidelines on the application of imaging or radionuclide therapy agents, editorials, and letters to the editor. Research articles on novel radiochemistry, new radiopharmaceuticals including their first biological evaluation, molecular imaging agents, including optical imaging, MRI, and hybrid probes, are the journal’s focus. To translate imaging and radionuclide therapy agents to the clinic, legislative issues related to their production and safety can be presented in the form of guidelines or position papers.
The journal publishes new basic, translational, and clinical research in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. The main emphasis is placed on the development of targeted imaging with radiopharmaceuticals within the broader context of molecular probes to enhance understanding and characterization of the complex biological processes underlying disease and develop, test, and guide new treatment modalities radionuclide therapy. Regular features include original research articles, rapid communication of preliminary data on innovative research, interesting case reports, editorials, and letters to the editor. Educational articles on basic sciences, fundamental aspects, and controversy related to pre-clinical and clinical research or ethical aspects of research are also welcome (site notes).
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
This journal offers peer-reviewed that aims to strengthen hospital pharmacists’ profile and professional status. EJHP is committed to being a leading journal on all aspects of hospital pharmacy, thereby advancing the science, practice, and hospital pharmacy profession. The journal aims to become a significant source for education and inspiration to improve practice and patient care standards in hospitals and related institutions worldwide (site notes).
European Journal of Hybrid Imaging
This journal’s features include authentic and original research articles, brief communications on novel preliminary approaches, reviews, guidelines, interesting case reports, editorials, and letters to the editor. Educational articles on hybrid imaging modalities and their pre-clinical and clinical applications are also accepted. The unique characteristic of this journal is its focus on hybrid and multimodality imaging technology in different clinical and research fields: oncology, orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, infection imaging. Review articles offer updates on current applications and issues in the clinical application of hybrid imaging. Contributors and consumers of the published work include members of different clinical disciplines, include the clinical, educational, and procedural recommendations on hybrid imaging. (site notes).
European Radiology Experimental
This publication adheres to the multidisciplinary paradigm of the 21st century, fostering a strong connection between radiology in the experimental setting and basic science. Research on phantom studies, cell models and radiobiology, animal models, new modalities/techniques (e.g., MR sequences or spectral CT applications, molecular, hybrid, and optical imaging), novel contrast materials, tracers, and probes are welcome. Other topics fully considered are 3D-modelling, printing, and simulation; advanced teleradiology (e.g., virtual physician-patient interaction); novel image reconstruction algorithms and post-processing. Studies on humans are also suitable for publication, especially if they are proof of concept or explorative studies, concern computer-assisted detection/diagnosis, data extraction for risk stratification or prognosis, or innovative approaches to clinical study design (site notes).
Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
A peer-reviewed which publishes original research articles, review articles and case studies on all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences and technologies, pharmacy practice and related clinical aspects, and pharmacy education. The journal publishes articles covering drug absorption and metabolism developments, pharmacokinetics and dynamics, drug delivery systems, drug targeting, and nanotechnology. It also covers the development of new systems, methods, and techniques in pharmacy education and practice. The journal’s scope also extends to cover advancements in toxicology, cell and molecular biology, biomedical research, clinical and pharmaceutical microbiology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, and nutraceuticals (site notes).
This peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to all aspects of research, development, and training in gynecological surgery. This field is rapidly changing in response to new developments and innovations in endoscopy, robotics, imaging, and other interventional procedures. Gynecological Surgery is also expanding and now encompasses all surgical interventions of women’s health, including oncology, urogynecology, and fetal surgery (site notes).
This journal specializes in critical reviews, guidelines, and policy statements and is dedicated to education and radiology strategies. It continuously updates scientific and best-practice knowledge in radiology through the publication of original articles and state of the art reviews, opinions, along with recommendations and statements from the leading radiological societies in Europe (site notes).
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental
This publication was explicitly dedicated to translational research, aimed at bringing discoveries, potential novel treatments, and improved diagnostics closer to a critically ill patient’s bedside. For that reason, ICMx is uniquely positioned at the intersection of clinical and basic science, focusing on critical care medicine. Further, ICMx is intended for all those involved in research to improve the care of the critically ill. ICMx aims at publishing research aspiring to (1) support or enhances the clinical trial design, (2) advance understanding of mechanisms of critical illness, (3) develop or refine experimental models that are relevant to critical care conditions (4) test experimental novel treatment interventions, (site notes).
International Journal of Bipolar Disorders
This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles contributions from a broad range of clinical, psychological, and biological research in bipolar disorders. It collaborates with the International Group to study Lithium Treated Patients (IGSLi), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen (DGBS) serves as the official journal of these organizations. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders solicits manuscripts from clinicians and researchers from around the globe to submit original research articles, reviews, short research communications, guidelines, case reports, study protocols, and letters to the editor that help to enhance understanding of bipolar disorders (site notes)
This journal is a peer-reviewed journal related to clinical anesthesia practices such as anesthesia management, pain management, and intensive care. Case reports are significant articles from the viewpoint of education and the cultivation of scientific thinking in the field of anesthesia (site notes).
publishes in a wide range of other content types aimed at the trainee or practicing pathologist, including review articles on hot topics, best practice articles for clinical investigations, detailed summaries of essential genes and molecules in pathogenesis, and multi-disciplinary grand rounds cases (site notes).
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics
An international journal aims to bridge the gap between basic orthopedic science and the clinics and publishes papers across the entire orthopedics field, including basic science and clinical research studies. The journal also welcomes translational and epidemiological studies across all aspects of musculoskeletal disorders. It is the official journal of ESSKA, the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
The journal is purposed to increase epidemiological knowledge and ultimately health worldwide. The journal is a leading international journal dedicated to the publication of original empirical research and reviews that cover applied, theoretical issues, methodological while emphasizing studies using multidisciplinary or integrative approaches (site notes).
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
is an open-access journal that publishes high-quality research, literature reviews, position papers and practice guidelines, and case studies on all components of cancer immunology and immunotherapy (cite citation).
Journal of Investigative Medicine
This journal publishes original research in areas that include basic, translational, and clinical research. Published papers cover various facets of modern biomedical research (site notes).
This journal is a leading international journal that reflects the whole field of medical ethics. The journal promotes ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice (site notes)
This is a leading international peer-reviewed journal covering original research in human genetics, including reviews and opinions on the latest developments. Published articles cover the molecular basis of human disease, including germline cancer genetics, clinical manifestations of genetic disorders, molecular genetics applications to medical practice, and the systematic evaluation of such applications worldwide (site notes).
Journal of NeuroInterventional
is a leading peer-review journal for scientific research and literature pertaining to the field of neurointerventional surgery? The journal was launched in 2009 following growing professional interest in neuro-interventional techniques to treat a range of neurological and vascular problems, including stroke, aneurysms, brain tumors, and spinal disorders (site notes).
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
publishes the most ground-breaking and cutting-edge research from around the world. Encompassing the entire genre of neurological sciences, our focus is on the common disorders (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, peripheral neuropathy, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and neuropsychiatry), but with a keen interest in the Gordian knots that present themselves in the field, such as ALS. (site notes).
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection
The journal presents current clinical and experimental research on a range of ophthalmic inflammation and infection topics. Coverage includes original studies, review articles, brief reports, case reports, photo essays, and expert commentary on challenging cases. The journal reflects geographical variations in the incidence of diseases and different treatment modalities worldwide (site notes).
Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
This journal publishes original papers reporting basic or clinical research in orthopedic and traumatologic surgery and systematic reviews, brief communications, case reports, and letters to the Editor. Narrative instructional reviews and commentaries to original articles may be commissioned by Editors from eminent colleagues. The Journal also aims to be an international forum for the communication and exchange of ideas concerning the various aspects of orthopedics and musculoskeletal trauma.
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
This multi-disciplinary journal publishes original manuscripts in the field of patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Listed below are some examples of the types of papers to be considered for publication in JPRO: (1) PROs in clinical trials – results and methodology for PROs in clinical trials and other clinical studies; (2) PROs in clinical practice – Methods and applications of PROs in clinical practice, including individual patient management and using PRO results from comparative studies; (3) Patient, family, community, and public engagement – Methods to engage patients, family members, and members of the public in the process of PRO-related research, policy formulation, clinical guidelines development, and evaluating the effects of such engagement; (4) Qualitative studies on the development and application of PROs – Application, innovation, and best practices in qualitative and mixed methods in developing and using PRO measures. (5) Studies of the social and behavioral determinants of health using PRO measures – Observational studies with PRO content. (6) Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs). Factors that may impact patients’ experiences and their families, caregivers, and healthcare provider, innovative methods of capturing and analyzing patient experiences (site notes).
Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
Journal publishes on the latest oncology innovations, thereby providing academics and clinicians a leading research platform. The publication’s main topics of interest include local and systemic anticancer therapy (with a specific interest in applied cancer research from developing countries); experimental oncology; early cancer detection; randomized trials (including negatives ones); and critical emerging fields of personalized medicine, such as molecular pathology, bioinformatics, and biotechnologies. JENCI also publishes articles on all fields of basic, applied, and clinical cancer research (site notes).
Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association
This publication aims to advance public health by publishing research that seeks solutions to managers’ challenges within the health system. It publishes research in the full spectrum of public health and community medicine fields, including epidemiology, health management, statistics, occupational and environmental health, family health, and tropical health. Research that has a more significant impact on public health, such as studies reporting on the development of effective interventions, program evaluation, and innovative types of research such as pragmatic clinical trials, will be given priority. The journal is particularly interested in articles that address emerging health problems and submissions focusing on Egyptian strategic health priorities (site notes).
Middle East Current Psychiatry
This journal publishes exceptional interest in psychiatry areas, with a dedicated focus on clinical and experimental research. MECP aims to advance advanced research in the Middle East by publishing innovative research on diagnosing and treating mental illness. The journal provides a forum for the dissemination of scientific information. MECP publishes research, commentaries, reviews, debate articles, and case reports (site notes).
Middle East Fertility Society Journal
These articles in this journal are purposed to summarize essential and rapidly developing areas of reproductive medicine. The journal will consider original publication papers covering relevant scientific and clinical aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology, reproductive endocrinology, and endocrine therapies. It also includes andrology, contraception, early pregnancy, embryo development, ethical issues, fertilization, gametogenesis, genetic screening (first trimester), genetic diagnosis (pre-implantation), gonadal function, implantation, infectious diseases, menstrual disorders, psycho-social issues, reproductive genetics, reproductive surgery, reproductive epidemiology, and stem cell research (site notes).
Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics
MCP is an international and interdisciplinary journal that publishes innovative research in pediatrics. The focus and the topics of this journal cover research areas relevant to pediatrics, including rare diseases, genetic diseases, gene therapy, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, immunology, infectiology, nephrology, neurology, oncology, and hematology, pneumology, metabolism, neonatology, and translational medicine in pediatrics (site notes).
This Journal includes medical and scientific research relating to Sporting performance enhancement including nutrition, equipment, and training; Medical syndromes associated with sport and exercise; Injury prevention and treatment; Exercise for rehabilitation and health and the application of physiological and biomechanical principles to specific sporting codes (site notes).
This peer-reviewed, online journal publishes original case reports in gastroenterological surgery, transplant surgery, thoracic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, breast, and endocrine surgery, pediatric surgery, and emergency surgery. The purpose of the journal is to contribute to the progress of surgery by providing clinicians and researchers with an educational forum in which to disseminate their personal experience and novel treatments to a wide readership and by reviewing interesting, rare cases encountered by colleagues all over the world, from whom contributions are welcomed (site notes).
The British Journal of Ophthalmology
This is an international peer-reviewed journal for ophthalmologists and visual science specialists. BJO publishes clinical investigations, clinical observations, and clinically relevant laboratory investigations related to ophthalmology. It also provides significant reviews and publishes manuscripts covering regional issues globally (site notes).
An online-only orthopedics journal synthesizes the latest research and evidence-based guidelines in orthopedic sports medicine and traumatology — including joint disorders — to provide busy orthopedic surgeons and specialists a thorough reference for diagnosing and treating patients (site notes).
The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes high-quality original scientific researchdocumenting cardiac and thoracic surgery progress. The journal publishes articles on various topics, including clinical trials, outcomes, and complications of experimental procedures, surgical operations, and therapeutic approaches for high-risk patients with congenital and cardiothoracic diseases (site notes).
This international journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cardiovascular disease, including original clinical studies and translational investigations. The journal publishes research, review articles, case reports, commentary articles, and editorials interpreting and commenting on the research presented. Besides, it provides a forum for exchanging information on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including educational issues (site notes).
The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology
The journal publishes high-quality research that documents the scientific progress in bronchology, related diagnostic, pulmonology, and therapeutic interventional producers in addition to sleep and critical care medicine. The publication aims to educate healthcare professionals and scholars with up-to-date information and skills in all aspects of respiratory medicine (site notes).
The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine
This peer-reviewed journal gives coverage to clinical, technical, ethical, and social issues in internal medicine. Published articles focus on clinical interest, and implications will be given preference (site notes).
The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery
The publication of The Egyptian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery (ESNPN) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes articles in clinical neurosciences, including neurology, psychiatry, and neurosurgery. The journal presents cutting-edge research on clinical neurosciences on technical and clinical studies of health, ethical, and social issues in clinical neurosciences (site notes).
The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology
This scientific journal publishes original research in otorhinolaryngology (ORL) and includes rhinology, audiology, phonics, neck, head, otology, and facioplastic. The journal aims to offer a perspective to the ORL community with the most recent, authentic, and valuable findings in the field. Articles submitted to the journal originate, mostly from academics and physicians, in case reports, review articles, and letters to the editor that stimulate the scientific progress in the field. (site notes).
The journal publishes editorials, reviews, original articles, short communications, and case reports and is open for publication of supplements and abstracts of scientific meetings. It plays a crucial role in bringing ultrasound to the patient’s bedside, where this technique can make the most remarkable difference by reaching audiences worldwide. The journal considers manuscripts within the fields of human health, and it is open to contributions on the usefulness of ultrasound in animal care (site notes).
World Journal of Pediatric Surgery
This journal is particularly interested in interdisciplinary studies that include, but are not limited to, minimally invasive techniques, molecular imaging, precision surgery, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotic surgery, new materials, and medical instruments (cite notes).
The journal contains technical research papers but is also opened to broad and interdisciplinary fields. Areas of research covered in the journal include applied physics, condensed matter, astrophysics & gravitation, particle & HEP; plasma physics; accelerator science; quantum information, optics, photonics, laser, AMO, nuclear physics; statistical physics; and biological physics & soft Matter (sites notes).
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
This journal unifies two distinct groups of disciplines: (1) Astronomy, planetary sciences, physics, cosmology, and (2) Computational and information science. Combining these disciplines broadens the inclusion of a range of topics that cover all scales and a rich palette of statistics, physics, and chemistry from an astronomical point of view. Computing is interpreted in the broadest sense: hardware, algorithms, software, networking, reduction, and big data management resulting from large telescopes and surveys, modeling, simulation, visualization, high-performance computing, and data-intensive computing, and machine learning (site notes).
This publicationcovers theoretical and experimental advances in subjects that include quantum measurement, metrology, and lithography; quantum complex systems, networks, and cellular automata; quantum electromechanical systems; quantum optomechanical systems, quantum machines, engineering, and nanorobotics; quantum control theory; quantum information, communication and computation; quantum thermodynamics; quantum metamaterials; the effect of Casimir forces on micro-and nano-electromechanical systems; quantum biology; quantum sensing; hybrid quantum systems; and quantum simulations
EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation
The journal primarily focuses on designing, implementing, and applying new techniques in various physical and applied sciences. The journal is interested in the advances produced by laboratory-specific custom instrumentation and diagnostics, innovative and creative experimental techniques, refinements to established experimental setups, novel analytical methods, and others. The journal serves as an outlet for the critical assessment, validation, and documentation of newly established knowledge and invites (site notes).
The journalpublishes peer-reviewed research reports across the entire field, from experimental to computational and theoretical physics (site notes).
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
An international journal publishing articles on theoretical and experimental physics. The journals mainly cover areas including particles and fields, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology, beam physics and instrumentation, and general and mathematical physics (site notes)
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
The journal publishes research work on the effects of the rapid progress in optics and photonics and how it has broadened its application enormously into many branches, including information and communication technology, security, sensing, bio-, medical sciences, healthcare, and chemistry. Recent achievements in other sciences have allowed the continual discovery of new natural mysteries and the formulation of challenging optics goals that require further development of modern concepts and running fundamental research. The publication aims to tackle all the points in prompt, scientific, high-quality communications that report the latest findings (site notes).
The publication presents original research works that report on new developments of interest to photonics and sensor communities in all fields of photonic sensing science and technology. The journal’s coverage includes planar waveguide sensors, optical fiber sensors, and biophotonic sensors, laser-based sensors, and more. Photonic Sensors focus on experimental contributions related to novel principles, structures, or materials for photonic sensors (site notes).
Advances in Cognitive Psychology
The Journal is devoted primarily to the scientific study of perception, language processing, attention, memory, and cognition. The journal’s broad focus encompasses the behavioral, cognitive, and brain sciences. ACP publishes empirical studies, theoretical papers, and critical reviews (site notes).
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
The journal publishes new empirical and theoretical work covering all Cognition areas, emphasizing use-inspired basic research: fundamental research that grows from hypotheses about real-world problems. Authors are expected to explain in a Significance section how their basic research serves to advance our understanding of the cognitive aspects of a problem with real-world applications (site notes).
Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
The Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis publishes original experimental studies in all psychology areas where the null hypothesis is supported. The journal underscores empirical reports with sound methods and sufficient power, with particular preference if the empirical question is approached from several directions (site notes).
The journal Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE)
The journal gives focus to clinical psychological research that contributes to advances in clinical psychological science. It is a platform that provides access to cutting-edge psychological research to cover multiple approaches, topics, and conceptual views (site notes).
European Journal of Psychology
EJOP facilitates communication between psychologists and gives them access to high-quality professional information, thus fostering the scientific psychological community in Europe and worldwide. Although primarily targeted at a European public, EJOP gladly hosts psychologists’ contributions irrespective of their geographical location.
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica
Publishes high-quality papers that describe research and reviews on themes under four main psychology fields: Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychological Assessment, and Health Psychology (site notes).
This publication (SOJ) aims to publish Scholarly Articles on psychological behavior, psyche patterns, and socioeconomic environment’s influence on human psychology and psychological evaluations. SOJP covers the study of various parameters influencing the human mind and the factors governing an individual’s relationship with society. Psychology involves psychoanalysis at both the conscious & sub-conscious levels. The journal covers certain functional areas of psychology, such as cognitive psychology, educational psychology, comparative psychology, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychology, and social psychology (site notes).
Social Sciences
Asian Journal of German and European Studies
Exploring policy information on Asia and Europe from an interdisciplinary and intercultural viewpoint, the journal helps to broaden understanding of the changing economy, politics, society, and culture as viewed from the perspectives of two very different world regions (site notes)
This journal offers a platform for articles that focus on comparative research in migration, integration, and race and ethnic relations. It presents readers with an extensive collection of comparative analysis, including studies between countries, groups, levels, and historical periods. CMS publishes research based on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. Contributions canvas a wide disciplinary angle across the social sciences and the humanities. We are looking for articles that push the present understanding of migration integration and race and ethnic relations in new conceptual, methodological, and empirical directions (site notes).
This interdisciplinary publication is a peer-reviewed journal of population sciences. GENUS is among the oldest demography journals in Europe. GENUS publishes articles on topics that include, but are not limited to family and fertility; aging; health and mortality; migration and mobility; formal demography; historical demography; relations between population dynamics and biological, environmental, economic, and social change (site notes)
International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology
The Journal of Chinese Sociology
The Journal of Chinese Sociology is the Chinese mainland’s first English journal in sociology that mainly publishes empirical studies on contemporary Chinese society with important theoretical and policy implications. Main topics include the changing social stratification/social inequality in China; social organizations and social governance; the sociological studies on economic reform and development; family and demographic studies; migration, migrant workers, and urbanization; social movements and contentious politics; cultural and ideological changes since the reform; social security and social policy; the sociological understanding of the environment; (site notes).
Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications
The journal is devoted to advancing the understanding of theory and methods around statistical distributions and their applications. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the development and study of statistical distributions; frequentist and Bayesian statistical inference, including goodness-of-fit tests; statistical modeling; computational/simulation methods; and data analysis related to statistical distributions (site notes).
Electronic Journal of Statistics
publishes research articles and short notes in theoretical, computational, and applied statistics (site notes)