Leighton Open Access Resources
What is Open Access?
Open access (OA) refers to freely available scholarly journal’s articles, ebooks as digital, online information. Open access scholarly literature are accessible at no cost on a online a various reputable website or in a repository committed to long-term archiving, and available for all to read, download, print, copied into external device then accessed offline by students, even long after the end of a course. In addition, the benefit of these resources is that they are not only free to use, but they are also free of most copyright restrictions and can be openly used, edited, stored, and distributed.
What Makes it possible is the internet and consent of the author or copyright-holder . . . . Open Access is made possible by the internet and copyright-holder consent.
Peter Suber,
Author, Open Access
At Leighton University, and its spirit of stewardship, we’ve taken full advantage of this revolutionary opportunity as we grown and expand the University’s Library to include scholarly Open Access (digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions) collections. These electronic resources collections include access to full-text e-journals and e-books and a wealth of online research databases. Collectively, the university’s library’s collections offer access to more than 1.8 million volumes, including e-books, e-journals, audio, video, and databases that include academic documents, e-newspapers, maps, government documents, among others.




